
Sponsor of the following category
- University of the Year
The Santander Universities Division collaborates with more than 1,200 universities in 20 countries on a unique global initiative that distinguishes it from other national and international banks and financial institutions. In the UK, the division began its activity in 2007 and the bank is already collaborating with 83 British universities and higher education institutions, with agreements focused on promoting international exchange, entrepreneurial activities, internships in SMEs and the mobility of students and researchers within the network.

Sponsor of the following category
- Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Elsevier Research Intelligence help research managers, funders and policy-makers get the most from their data with a suite of useful tools and services that include:
SciVal, which offers quick, easy access to the research performance of 6,000 research institutions and 220 nations worldwide
Pure, which aggregates your organization's research information
Analytical Services, which provide accurate unbiased research performance analysis
Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature
Mendeley, your free reference manager and academic social network Elsevier enable research organizations to make btter decisions, improve collaboration, attract investment and optimise expenditure.

Sponsor of the following category
- Most Innovative Teacher of the Year
The Higher Education Academy is dedicated to enhancing teaching and the student learning experience in higher education. It works with higher education institutions across the UK to support, professionalise and recognise teaching in higher education and support, inspire and promote innovative academic practice. It manages the UK Professional Standards Framework on behalf of the higher education sector, providing a shared framework for initial and continuing professional development of staff teaching and supporting student learning. It supports a number of award schemes recognising achievements in teaching.

Sponsor of the following category
- Technological Innovation of the Year
Jisc is an independent education charity, owned by AoC, GuildHE and UUK. It provides UK higher education, further education and skills sectors with support in the use of digital technologies.
Its vision is to make the UK the most digitally advanced education and research nation in the world.
It aims to achieve this by enabling the education sector to perform at the forefront of international practice by exploiting fully the possibilities of modern digital empowerment, content and connectivity.

Sponsor of the following category
- Business School of the Year

Sponsor of the following category
- Outstanding Contribution to Leadership Development
We provide a dedicated service of support and advice on leadership, governance and management for all the UK’s universities and higher education colleges. Our offer is for all levels of staff- academics, professionals, managers - right through to those in the most senior roles in higher education. We are a membership organisation that delivers leadership development and consultancy advice to higher education institutions in the UK and around the world. All our work is supported by a highly regarded research that underpins the leadership development programmes and stimulates innovation. Our mission is to serve our members, drive development and catalyse change.
Sponsor of the following category
- Most Innovative Contribution to Business-University Collaboration
The National Centre for Universities and Business develops, supports and promotes world-class collaboration between universities and business across the UK.
We are:
Led by leaders and guided by our networks of universities and business;
Informed by research, providing independent myth busting analysis;
Digital innovators and curators of opportunities for universities, business and government;
Change managers, through our Task Forces which tackle talent and innovation challenges.
The National Centre is an independent and not-for-profit membership organisation bringing together universities and business to influence government and solve the country’s challenges.

Sponsor of the following category
- Outstanding University Entrepreneurship Award
The National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE) is the lead body supporting higher education to build its enterprise programmes. We have a unique and strong alumni network and recognised by Universities UK and HEFCE making us a partner of choice for the growth and development of enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Sponsor of the following category
- Outstanding Research Supervisor of Year
The National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE) is the lead body supporting higher education to build its enterprise programmes. We have a unique and strong alumni network and recognised by Universities UK and HEFCE making us a partner of choice for the growth and development of enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Sponsor of the following category
- THE DataPoints Merit Award

Sponsor of the following category
- Most Improved Student Experience

Sponsor of the following category
- The Lord Dearing Lifetime Achievement Award
Achievability transforms the way HE providers capture student feedback and makes it possible to quickly close the loop with the stakeholders who value the results most, such as the academics and students themselves.
Used by more than half of all universities in the UK and 1000 institutes worldwide to evaluate courses, modules, examinations, workshops and student services Achievability is also being used in the UK to benchmark performance between institutes at module level and raise the overall performance of the sector.

Sponsor of the following category
- Outstanding Support for Students
Newly established with generations of experience, Anderson Quigley builds better organisations and life-changing careers. Through outstanding client service and personal, responsible support to candidates, we bring expertise in executive search, interim management and advisory services. Anderson Quigley. It’s About Quality.

Sponsor of the following category
- Widening Participation or Outreach Initiative of the Year
Today’s modern RAF is the UK’s aerial, peacekeeping and fighting force. It’s made up of full-time Regulars and spare-time Reserves who come from diverse backgrounds and work side-by-side to make a difference at home and abroad.

Sponsor of the following category
- Research Project of the Year: STEM
Worktribe is a UK company that provides software solutions for the Higher Education sector in both research and curriculum management. Its flagship system, Worktribe Research Management, is trusted across the UK higher education sector by many universities including several in the Russell Group. Founded in 2002 in Nottingham, Worktribe has a long-established track record of on-time and on-budget delivery, excellent reliability and great support. Worktribe develops its software in-house from offices in Bristol, Edinburgh and Nottingham.